Sunday, March 11, 2018

Amy Bender Levy

By Amy Bender Levy

I have only traveled to Israel once. It was an amazing experience that changed my life as Jew, as a mother and as a woman. When we landed in Tel Aviv, the fight attendant announced "welcome home/" Though I had yet to step foot onto the soil of Israel, a chill went through me, and I knew what he meant. Israel is our homeland.  We all have different emotions, feelings and connections to Israel which is what makes it such a unique experience to each of us- was able to do a lot of soul searching and personal reflection while in Israel, as to who I am, the impact my Israel experience could have on my family and how I wanted to share that with them. As a working woman, I was fascinated with the other women attorneys I was able to meet with doing similar work as me, yet the legal obstacles were much different. I will never forget walking back to our hotel on Friday evening after Shabbat at the Wall; the streets were silent; there was the most amazing sense of peace over the city of Jerusalem as the entire land was observing Shabbat. Even on the holiest of days in St. Louis, the world goes on around us, making me feel so aware of how few of "us" there are. But there, in our homeland, we are one of the many. And the world around "us" stops for "us." I cannot wait for the day that I get to return to Israel with my children, and watch each of them have their own "ah ha" moment as an American Jew in our homeland.

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